About Kintana Rx Optimization
One of the biggest healthcare cost drivers over the last several years is drug spend and it's not going away. In particular, high cost Specialty drugs continue to escalate trend and now with gene therapy drugs coming to the market, costs may quickly get out of control. Kintana is focused on optimizing Rx through our vetted network of PBMs and other solution providers that are fully aligned to driving down costs. In addition, our Guaranteed Savings model puts forth our belief that we are in this together. We only win if your clients save money.
Rx Optimization
Ideal for Groups Seeking More Control
Kintana Rx specializes in simplifying pharmacy benefit management with expertise in the delivery, clinical management and affordability of prescription medications.
Contain Specialty Drug Spend
Deliver better health outcomes for the most competitive rate by attacking prescription drug spend with targeted cost containment programs and strategic consulting, tailored to each client.
A Partner to Ensure Your Success
Managing prescription drug spend requires a partner with an objective lens on navigating PBM relationships that can re-negotiate contracts and present tailored programs for your group.
Case Study
- 250 life self funded group had Rx spend of ~$1.6M
- High cost specialty drugs accounted for 80% of the Rx spend
- Current PBM setup was not optimized to effectively manage it well
- Performed deep analysis on current vs. market options
- Determined with the broker and the appropriate Rx setup and specialty drug programs
- Put in place our Guaranteed Savings model to ensure we were fully aligned; if we don't save the group money, we don't make money!
- Implemented solution that resulted in 50% less Rx spend with low member disruption